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Methylene Blue Quiz

Quizes based on Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies 11e and other sources when cited in answer explanation.

1. With regards to methemoglobinemia, the mechanism of action of the methylene blue is to:


2. What is a relative contraindication to methylene blue administration?


3. A patient in the ICU received methylene blue as adjuvant for hypotension refractory to multiple vasopressors. What color would you expect the urine in the foley output to be?


4. Methylene blue requires which cofactor to reduce Fe3+-HGb?


5. Administration of methylene blue is associated with which of the following?


6. For a patient with confirmed methemoglobinemia who received appropriate dosing of Methylene blue, how long after the dose would you expect maximum effect?


7. The appropriate dose of Methylene blue is: