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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Quiz

Quizes based on Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies 11e

1. Which of the following is not an indication for hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO)?


2. During treatment with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, typical arterial oxygen tensions are how many times higher than when breathing room air?


3. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) has been shown to reduce the long term negative neuropsychiatric effects of carbon monoxide poisoning. The leading theory for its mechanism of action is that HBO:


4. The primary evidence supporting use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) for acute carbon monoxide poisoning suggests that patients treated with HBO have:


5. Methylene chloride is metabolized through multiple pathways. Which is the correct pair of proposed pathways?


6. Is hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) indicated for isolated cyanide exposures?


7. Based upon current data, which of the following treatments is most appropriate for a patient that has symptomatic Carbon Tetrachloride exposure with significantly elevated LFT’s?


8. A patient states they ingested food grade hydrogen peroxide. CT abdomen/pelvis demonstrates bowel wall edema and portal venous gas.
What is the best next course of treatment?


9. A patient with presumed gas air embolism should be positioned in which of the following:


10. A pregnant woman presents to the emergency department after a house fire. What is the cutoff of venous blood cooximetry for transfer to hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO)?