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Anti-hyperglcyemic Agents Quiz

Quizes based on Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies 11e and other sources when cited in answer explanation.

Which of the following medications is associated with hypoglycemia?


SLGT2 inhibitors are associated with euglycemic DKA. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?


A 45-year-old home attendant presents to the ED with resolved altered mental status. EMS reports hypoglycemia to <20 mg/dL on their initial assessment. The patient received 1 ampule of d50 in the field, and shortly thereafter returned to their normal baseline mental status afterward. The patient denies any intentional self harm. If the cause of their hypoglycemia is due to exogenous insulin administration, what laboratory findings would you expect?


A patient in the ICU requires and insulin drip: At what dose of insulin do insulin receptors saturate?


A 92-year-old patient on glimepiride presents to the ED with hypoglycemia. Her last dose was the night before, 12 hours prior to presentation. She was noted to be confused and diaphoretic. 1 hour prior to presentation. EMS found her BGM to be 26. They gave 1 amp of d50. In the ED she has already had some orange juice. She became symptomatic again, and her repeat BGM was 50. What is most appropriate management?


Which of the following xenobiotic is most likely to causes hypogycemia?


Which of the following insulins has the quickest onset of action?